Art,Music,Danceroom (with D.J.) English conversation Computer in each classroom Toddler's section with in house nurse Highly experienced & dedicated staff well furnished Auditorium.
The child will learn while playing. The child will do screwing, unscrewing stringing of beeds, Jigsaw puzzle, colour matching, shape, sorting etc. through Oxford Learning Programme.
Group singing and dancing will be the core of teaching. This enhances the pleasure of the child. Judo Classes are also part of education.
Medical check up by doctors time to time (Ear,Teeth,Eyes & Physical Test).
The educational tours will be conducted for the all round development of child according to his or her wishes. For these educational tours parents have to send their consent. Without consent student can not attend such trips.
Safe and comfortable arrangement will be provided for young one in vans.
There is a special arrangement of Birthday celebration of the tiny-tots. Parents are suggested to gift one pot with a plant to the school on this occasion.
1. Whatsapp facility for the parents to get regular updates of their ward's scholastic & co scholastic performance. 2. An unscheduled holiday that has to be declared due to unforeseen circumstance will be intimated through whatsapp facility.